Sister Susan is a CNN Hero

My Story

Mike Lorretta and Lara PriceApril 6th, 1975. The news media called us the "lost children" and "precious cargo." When my parents picked me up at LAX, all I had with me was a blanket, a bottle and a paper bag with the word "princess" scribbled on the front of it. No name, no birth certificate, no family history, no identity. The adoption agency told my parents I had survived the C-5 Galaxy crash tw days before. They told me I was a miracle. I grew up in an Air force family; an All-American kid. As I got older my curiosity grew regarding my past. I wondered if there was record of my surviving the C-5 Galaxy crash. Through Face Book I found another survivor and this led me to Sister Susan! I emailed her anxiously wanting to verify her role in my past. She told me that she took care of me in Vietnam and invited me to her house! I was amazed and excited that Sister Susan invited my mother and me to her private home without having met us. It was on this trip that Sister Susan painted the picture surrounding my arrival into this world. She had a vivid memory of my arrival and some record of when I came into her care. This revealed a shocking piece of information, I was not a survivor of the C-5 Galaxy plane crash. I was devastated that what little identity I had held onto was now different. The news shocked my parents as they too thought this was part of my history. After overcoming this crack in my foundation I began to move forward. During my visit, I learned that Sister Susan was not well received when returning home from Vietnam to the United States from Vietnam. She told me that people told her she should have left us in our own country. What?? How could people be so thoughtless and un-empathietic to what Sister Susan had been through? If it wasn't for Sister Susan where would I be?

Living the dream

Lara Price live at the Fox TheaterI have been blessed. I have the pleasure of making a living doing what I love, playing music! I have had the opportunity to tour across the country and China. I am currently about to release my 6th CD. When I think about the opportunities I have been given, I can't help but think that none of this life that I am living would be possible had it not been for Sister Susan McDonald! Heros don't fly around wearing a cape. They are all around us embodied in everyday people. Sister Susan is a hero to so many like me. She has dedicated her life to us. Sister Susan communicates to adoptees from all over the world every single day. She is a breast cancer survivor and like most vetrans continues to deal with PTSD. Sister Susan McDonald would not want this recgonition. That is all the more reason that she should be selected as a CNN Hero 2015!

For more about information about my music go to: Lara

Sister Susan McDonald and Lara Price
Sister Susan and Me-Monterey, California-2013